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Nicola Beauman


Nicola Beauman

Nicola Beauman (née Mann) was born in 1944 and brought up in London. After reading English at Newnham College, Cambridge, she worked in New York as a journalist and in an art gallery and in London in publishing and as a fiction reviewer; her five children were born between 1968 and 1985. Her first book, A Very Great Profession: The Woman’s Novel 1914-39, was published by Virago in 1983, reprinted in 1989 and 1995, then reissued as a Persephone book in 2008. She has also written three biographies: Cynthia Asquith (1987), Morgan: a biography of EM Forster (1993) and The Other Elizabeth Taylor (2009). Nicola Beauman founded Persephone Books in 1999.

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