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Upcoming Persephone events at our Bath bookshop

On Thursday October 17th at 6pm, there will be a launch event for PB no. 151 Mrs Miniver. Ysenda Maxine Graham, who wrote the preface, will be in conversation with a member of the Persephone Books tream and then we will toast the book with a glass of champagne. This event is free and all are welcome but please ring the shop to put your name on the list. 

And on Wednesday October 23rd at 4.30pm, we shall show the 1942 film of Mrs Miniver starring Greer Garson, after the traditional scones and lemon cake at 4pm, please ring the shop to book a place (tickets are £10).

We currently run two Book Groups; click here for further information.

Upcoming Persephone events elsewhere

On Sunday October 6th, Persephone Books will be at the Cheltenham Festival, more information here.

On Tuesday November 19th, Persephone Books will be at the Reader in Liverpool. For more information and to reserve a ticket, click here

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